From our fantastic host city. Astronomers! Whether you are a beginner or an advanced amateur astronomer,we welcome Astronomy Expo, Memorial Day weekend, to: See the stars from the clear air of YMCA Camp Oakes Learn of new developments in amateur telescope making Check out commercial telescopes and equipment brought by vendors for observers Listen to excellent presentations covering observing, telescopes, and getting started in astronomy Enjoy all the swap meet astro-goodies on both Saturday and Sunday, and Socialize and observe with friends. The Big Bear Valley is a four-season recreational destination that lies 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles, in the San Bernardino Mountains. The community is surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest. Within the valley lies the City of Big Bear Lake, an incorporated city, Big Bear City, an unincorporated town, and across the lake the small hamlet of Fawnskin. There are also the residential areas further east.
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